Avalon – REVERED – Collar med spisse og flate nagler – Rødt

Produktnummer: AVA01780 Kategori:


Collaret har flate og spisse nagler.

Collaret er litt polstret på innsiden for komfort og det kan lett justeres med spenner.

Den passer omkrets opptil ca. 41 cm.

Total lengde: ca. 52 cm
Bredde: ca. 4 cm
Materiale: Nubuck lær


Our wish is to deliver high quality BDSM- and fetishproducts, but at a reasonable price. We feel that most products on the market today have either been too low quality or too pricey for the quality. Our experience is that many products are produced without knowledge of BDSM. This is our solution.

We are proud to present Avalon, our new high quality line of BDSM-products, where we have emphasized functionality, looks, price, and quality. We took part in the development of looks and functionality. The Avalon-line is handmade in India by our manufacturer using high quality leather from lamb, calf and cow.

Avalon has become a product line that includes products for the curious beginner, as well as the hardened veteran, and everyone in between. You’ll find collars fit for both everyday use and parties, hand- and anklecuffs, soft and hard paddles, hogties, short and long bullwhips, crops, and much more…

We have ended up with a line of BDSM- and fetishproducts that we promote wholeheartedly, at a sensible price.

Vekt 400 g
Dimensjoner 380 × 130 × 10 mm


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